Getting Ready


Arthur and I have realized that we made our big announcement about moving onto a boat and traveling, but we haven’t given anyone an idea of where we plan to go and when we plan on going. We did not do this on purpose! Honestly, things have been so HECTIC the past few months.

I flew back to South Carolina to be in a good friend’s wedding at the beginning of December. We decided it didn’t make sense for me to fly back to Hawai’i, to turn around a few weeks later and fly into Miami (where the boat is). Because of that, I have stayed with my mom until Christmas, when my brother and I will drive down to Miami to pick up Arthur from the airport.

Meanwhile, Arthur stayed in Hawaii, moved in with his parents for a month, and is tying things up with his job. The past 2 months have been consumed with packing, unpacking, selling EVERYTHING else, planning the logistics of moving onto the boat, AND planning a trip to Chile (which has been the most difficult for me because I don’t speak Spanish…)

I came home with 2 suitcases, we shipped about 15 boxes of tools, kitchen items, books, and other random things, and Arthur will bring 2 more suitcases with him. We thought of ourselves as pretty minimal people, but after clearing out our rental of 2 1/2 years, we realized we had accumulated a lot of STUFF. That’s all it was though, just stuff. Stuff we realized we don’t need and maybe never needed…

Anyway, we are almost past the moving phase and will be in full travel mode come Christmas Day! Below are our loose plans for the next few months. We would LOVE any suggestions on things to see, do, and eat anywhere on this list. Feel free to comment them below or private message us HERE.

Christmas Day: Dalton (my brother) and I will drive down to Miami and pick up Arthur from the airport

Christmas - 1st week of January: Getting the boat ready to live on!

Last 3 weeks of January: Flying to Chile to see one of my very best friends Sammy! Part of our Victory Lap is to try and see as many people as possible that we would have wanted at our wedding if we had one. Sammy has been in Chile for 3+ years now, so we figured it is time to pay her a visit! We’ll be in the Santiago area for most of our trip but will be spending a week driving between Santiago, Pucon, and Santa Cruz. *Dalton has kindly offered to stay on the boat for us while we’re in Chile. Thanks bro.

February - March: hanging out in Miami, getting used to the boat, may or may not start heading North on the Intracoastal Waterway at the end of March - will depend on weather.

Plans after that are up in the air! Once again, if you have any suggestions of things to see, do, eat, or even your favorite spots to dock/anchor along the ICW let us know! One thing we have learned from traveling, is that advice from others is usually WAY more helpful than a guidebook!

We can't wait to hear from you!